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    Extraction kits

    IsoBind Soil Microbial DNA Kit 100x

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    The IsoBind Soil Microbial DNA Kit simplifies microbial DNA extraction from soil, sludge and fecal samples, enabling efficient processing of up to 100 samples per kit for diverse research applications, ensuring reliable results. Trusted for its robustness and ease of use.

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    Extraction kits

    IsoBind Soil Microbial DNA Kit 250x

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    The IsoBind Soil Microbial DNA Kit simplifies microbial DNA extraction from soil, fecal and sludge, accommodating up to 250 samples per kit for streamlined processing and reliable genetic analysis, facilitating comprehensive research insights into microbial diversity and biology. Trusted for its robustness and ease of use.

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    Lysis tubes

    SpeciPrep Bead Beating Tube, 2 ml, Self Standing, Detachable Screw Cap Lid

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    Our Bead Beating Tube provides a durable and efficient solution for efficient mechanical sample lysis which  increases nucleic acid yields.

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